How to Write Your Book Using Facebook Live with Clint Arthur

Hello! Welcome to the podcast! Clint Arthur is today’s special guest. What Clint has to say is vitally important to building your platform as an author, as a speaker, as a coach, as a trainer, and whatever it is that you do in business. Please welcome Clint to the show…
Promise: How to Write Your Book with Facebook Live
This is going to be one of the most amazing breakthrough interviews that anybody is ever going to hear because I did something, recently, that no one has ever done, to my knowledge. I’ve worked with over 1,000 authors, speakers, and coaches. I know what everyone is doing through Celebrity Launchpad, through events at Harvard, or Nasdaq. Nobody has ever done anything like this before!
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If you listen to this interview, you’re not only going to know how to write a book. Basically, you are going to generate the topic and the content of the book in a two-hour window. I was able to turn my book around and have it live, selling as a Kindle book on Amazon within 24 hours. Now, 25% of the sales of that book have already transformed into $2,000 tickets for my live event at Carnegie Hall. That’s a pretty good backend to a book that I created in one day, really, generating two hours’ worth of content. This book is generating $2,000 sales for me, and it was all within 24 hours. That’s the promise, and you can do it too!
Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode
- How to write your book using Facebook Live
- The general benefits of using Facebook Live
- The three different things people are interested in
- Using a book, such as Entrepreneurial Marketing, to sell tickets to a high priced event
- Clint’s story on how he got started
- Telling stories can write a book
Download the Complete PDF Show Notes Free for this Episode
Connecting with Clint
Hey, get hold of that book, Entrepreneurial Marketing. There’s a coupon code in there for a discount off of the Living Legends event. That’s the best way to connect with me. Come see me, and Martha Stewart, and Ice-T, and Coco, and Dan Kennedy, and Michael Gerber… You can connect with all of us at Carnegie Hall in New York City, on September 26, 27, and 28, 2019. Beyond that, if you missed it for whatever reason, go to ClintArthur.TV. Clint, like Clint Eastwood, Arthur, like the king, because all celebrities need to be on television!
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Filed in: Live Events • Marketing Strategies • Writing a book