What First Time Authors Do Wrong and How to Avoid the Traps with Fred Stuvek

Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! We have a very special treat for you. Fred Stuvek is the special guest for this episode. Fred has a very diverse background, and he has achieved great success in many areas of his life. His wisdom can help you immensely, if it you choose to apply it.
Stuvek was born in West Virginia, raised in Pennsylvania, and he was actually inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame for his achievements in football, basketball, baseball, and track. He attended the United States Naval Academy, and there, he received three letters as the quarterback of the Midshipmen. After his service in the Navy, serving as a naval officer, he transitioned into the business world, where he held senior leadership positions in both private and public companies, domestically and internationally.
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The key successes Fred has had include international medical imaging startups, which led to a very successful IPO (initial public offering) and forming private medical services groups that were subsequently sold. So, from the playing field, to the war room, to the boardroom, Fred has proven his leadership throughout his accomplishments. Additionally, Fred is the author of a book titled, It Starts with You, which teaches fundamental principles in management and leadership. Please welcome Fred to the show…
Promise: How to Avoid the Traps of First Time Authors
Thank you for having me. I look forward to a very lively discussion, and hopefully, this interview will prove valuable to all of you. Life is about decisions. The life you are living is the life that you’ve created, and it’s based upon the decisions that you have made and the habits that you have formed. You aren’t a victim of circumstances, and you aren’t powerless.
You should not wait for success to happen because, if you do, it’s going to be a very long wait. You have to take the initiative, seize control, create opportunities, and make something happen. There is something that you can do to release the potential that’s within you, but it’s up to you. This is a process that takes time, and it requires a plan, along with the commitment and discipline to follow through. However, to do this, there are two things that you have to do. You have to develop the mindset and habits for success, since how you think and how you act define you as a person.
So, you have to have a plan, with goals, and have the willingness and ability to follow through. That is the basic premise of my book, It Starts with You. It comprehensively and specifically instructs you on what you need to do in order to develop the mindset and habits for success.
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- Advice for first time authors
- Overcoming mistakes in publishing
- Three mistakes to avoid
- Creating a stellar cover
- Coming up with a catchy title
- Developing a good product
- Fred’s secrets to success
- Book marketing tips

Connecting with Fred
I’m on various social media platforms, but probably the best way is through my website. It’s a website I set up for the book, ItStartsWithYou.Net. The website tells you a little about the book, and there’s a short bio of “yours truly”. There, you will also find links to various avenues of getting in contact with me. You can click on whichever link you choose, depending on what type of social media platform you prefer. Just reach out and contact me, and I’ll get back to you straight away.
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As always, go make results happen!
Filed in: Book Marketing • Book Promotion • Publishing
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