Recent Podcasts

Formula for Author Wealth Creation with JV Crum III


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Today, JV Crum III is joining us.  Inc. Magazine recently recognized JV’s show, Conscious Millionaire podcast and radio network, as one of the top 13 business shows.  Over 1,800 episodes have been recorded, and it has been listened to in over 190 countries.  JV is also a #1 bestselling […]

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Improving the Conversion Rates of Your Books on Amazon with Dave Chesson


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  This episode is going to be extremely beneficial to a lot of the authors out there, especially those who want to know more about how to make the best of their Amazon sales.  Dave Chesson is today’s special guest.  He is a very accomplished author and entrepreneur, and he […]

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How to Write Your Book Using Facebook Live with Clint Arthur


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Clint Arthur is today’s special guest.  What Clint has to say is vitally important to building your platform as an author, as a speaker, as a coach, as a trainer, and whatever it is that you do in business.  Please welcome Clint to the show… Promise: How to Write […]

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How to Use Habits to Build a Successful Self-Publishing Business with Steve Scott


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  You’re definitely going to want to tune into this episode.  You are bound to learn a lot.  Steve Scott is today’s special guest.  He is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author with over 80 books in his catalogue.  He also blogs about habit development on his site,  Plus, […]

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Arrange Your Life to Support Writing the Best Book Possible with Kevin Johns

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Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  If you are struggling to finish your book or are having trouble arranging your life so that you can finish your book, you definitely want to tune into this episode.  Today’s special guest is Kevin Johns, and he is the best person to cover this topic.  You see, he’s […]

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Steps to Outsourcing Your Book with Alinka Rutkowska


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Today, Alinka Rutokowska will be the guest speaker.  She is one of the coauthors of Write and Grow Rich, which recently became a USA Today bestseller.  Please welcome Alinka to the show… Promise: How to Write a Book Without Doing Any Writing Thank you for having me.  Today, my […]

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How to Gain Marketing Clarity for Your Book with Allan Dib


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Allan Dib is on deck for this episode.  He is a serial entrepreneur who considers himself to be a rebellious marketer.  In addition to that, Allan is a #1 bestselling author, but it’s really the fact that he has grown multiple businesses in a variety of different industries that […]

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What First Time Authors Do Wrong and How to Avoid the Traps with Fred Stuvek

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How to avoid the traps of first time authors.

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How to Use Coauthors to Grow Your Book Brand Internationally with Bob Lee


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Bob Lee is this week’s special guest.  Bob is a management consultant and author of the book, Trust Rules: How the World’s Best Managers Create Great Places to Work.  The really interesting thing about Bob, and one of the reasons for his visit today, is that he has taken […]

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How to Create a Business Plan for Your Book With Kathy Meis


Hello!  Welcome to the podcast!  Today’s special guest is Kathy Meis, and it’s very exciting to have her on the show. Kathy is an expert in multiple areas, including marketing, publishing, and selling more books in general.  Kathy is president and CEO of Bublish, which is a company that provides marketing and promotion information […]

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