Tag: authors
Turn Breaking News Into Comedy Gold With This AI Joke Generator
In our latest episode, we dive into an incredible new tool that’s changing the game for content creators, social media managers, and anyone looking to add some humor to their work. I had the pleasure of demonstrating a powerful AI joke generator that turns current events into engaging, shareable content in seconds. The Magic in […]
4 Key Parts to Writing Your Amazon Book Description with Bryan Cohen
If you work on just four parts of your book description, you will sell more copies of that book for the rest of your career.
Improving the Conversion Rates of Your Books on Amazon with Dave Chesson
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! This episode is going to be extremely beneficial to a lot of the authors out there, especially those who want to know more about how to make the best of their Amazon sales. Dave Chesson is today’s special guest. He is a very accomplished author and entrepreneur, and he […]
How to Write Your Book Using Facebook Live with Clint Arthur
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! Clint Arthur is today’s special guest. What Clint has to say is vitally important to building your platform as an author, as a speaker, as a coach, as a trainer, and whatever it is that you do in business. Please welcome Clint to the show… Promise: How to Write […]
How to Use Habits to Build a Successful Self-Publishing Business with Steve Scott
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! You’re definitely going to want to tune into this episode. You are bound to learn a lot. Steve Scott is today’s special guest. He is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author with over 80 books in his catalogue. He also blogs about habit development on his site, DevelopGoodHabits.com. Plus, […]
Arrange Your Life to Support Writing the Best Book Possible with Kevin Johns
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! If you are struggling to finish your book or are having trouble arranging your life so that you can finish your book, you definitely want to tune into this episode. Today’s special guest is Kevin Johns, and he is the best person to cover this topic. You see, he’s […]
How to Gain Marketing Clarity for Your Book with Allan Dib
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! Allan Dib is on deck for this episode. He is a serial entrepreneur who considers himself to be a rebellious marketer. In addition to that, Allan is a #1 bestselling author, but it’s really the fact that he has grown multiple businesses in a variety of different industries that […]
How Authors Can Make $1M by Speaking with Dr. Judith Briles
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! Dr. Judith Briles is today’s special guest, and she is here to help you learn how to generate vast amounts of income by speaking and writing. Please welcome Judith to the show… Promise: How to Make $1M by Speaking and Using Your Book My promise is that I will […]
How to Orchestrate a USA Today Bestseller Campaign with Alinka Rutkowska
Hello! Welcome to the RealFastResults.com podcast! If you are publishing books, and you want those books to actually sell, you’re going to want to stick around. Alinka Rutkowska is today’s special guest. Alinka has had a lot of successes in her own publishing journey. She is, in fact, a top-100 Amazon bestselling author in the […]
How to Write Your Book Even If You Have Disabilities With Nina G.
Hello! Welcome to this very special edition of the RealFastResults.com podcast! Today, we are really, really excited to have Nina G. on deck. There are a variety of reasons for her to be presenting. Nina is a stand-up comedian from the San Francisco Bay Area, but what makes her different is that she is also […]
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